Thank you very much Cork City Council for the delicious cup cakes delivered to our Catering team in appreciation of all their hard work in keeping our Meals on Wheels service going throughout Covid-19.
Eve Phillips, Westgate Foundation delivering Cocooning Gifts to members Rufina and John Stephenson. Thank you to Permanent TSB, Dunnes Stores Ballincollig, Griffins Garden Centre and Ballyphehane/Togher Arts and Crafts Initiative for their wonderful support with our Cocooning Gift Project.
PermanentTSB , #dunnesstoresballincollig #griffinsgardecentre #Ballyphehane/TogherArtsandCraftsInitiative
Staff at Westgate, preparing food for the delivery of Meals on Wheels to Clients for the past few months.
Transport Staff member JP heading out to deliver Meals on Wheels
Staff Member Aidan happily working, receiving calls from the communities.
Please contact us, with any queries and if you require help with anything on 021-4873648